Moeko and Ayaka won the Best Presentation Award at the 42nd Young Scientists’ Seminar on Organic Synthesis
Ms. Moeko Itoga (M2) and Ms. Ayaka Matsumoto (M2) received the Best Presentation Award at the 42nd Young Scientists’ Seminar on Organic Synthesis (held online on August 10, 2022). Congratulations! P-29 Takeshi Nanjo, ○Ayaka Matsumoto, Takuma Oshita, Keiji Takemoto “C-H Chlorination of Peptide Side Chains via N-Chloroamides” P-36 Moeko Itoga, Masako Yamanishi, Taro Udagawa, Fumine […]
Takuma Oshita (M2) received the Best Presentation Award, and Taichi Yumura (M2) and Kosuke Yoshikawa (M2) received the Presentation Award.
At the Master’s Thesis Presentation (February 14-16, 2021), Takuma Oshita (M2) received the Best Presentation Award, and Taichi Yumura (M2) and Kosuke Yoshikawa (M2) received the Presentation Award. Congratulations! 修士論文発表会優秀発表賞の受賞者の決定について
Kosuke and Marie won the Best Oral Presentation Award at the 71st Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan Kansai Branch
Kosuke Yoshikawa (M2) and Marie Ono (M1) won the Best Oral Presentation Award at the 71st Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan Kansai Branch. Congratulations!